Architectural Photography Services
Businesses • Architects • Contractors • Developers • Designers • Landscapers • Homeowners
Professional photography of interior and exterior, commercial and residential properties. Exceptional quality, attention to detail, fast service, economical base price, with an á la cart approach to paying for only the images you need. Selection galleries are presented online, so you can make your choices from the comfort of your office or home.
Photographs are the first thing to capture your customers eye. Whether it’s digital files prepared for your website or files prepared for high quality prints, I can deliver exactly what you need to highlight your work, in any media. References available upon request.
My goal is to make you look your best. Maybe better!
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Personal Training
I offer one on one, personal training for all aspects of photography, for beginners thru professionals. Photography is a lifetime journey of learning and exploration, but just a couple hours working with a trained professional, can accelerate your skill level dramatically and get you understanding how to take great photos.
People often buy a new camera, believing that they will instantly “take amazing pictures!” The truth is, no matter how much you spend, a camera is just a tool. It’s the photographer who makes it work. Far too often, people quickly get frustrated and either stop using their camera or they go for years, taking photos far below their expectations.
By working with a professional, you can learn to control and enjoy your journey. Unlike group or community collage courses, my sessions are never canned curriculum. One on one training allows us to focus on exactly what YOU need, without wasting any time on what you already know. That may be the basics or for a more advanced photographer, it may be a specific area, like how to capture birds in flight or night photography! Ever wonder why your moon photos always look like a big, white blob?
Popular sessions for the serious hobbyist or professional, often focus on processing and editing in Photoshop and Lightroom. Tips, tricks, learning how to organize your files or edit for specific purposes like online viewing or print files.
I work on an hourly rate, so you can stay as long or as short as you need, during any session. You’ve invested in a camera, now invest in yourself, so you can reach your potential and enjoy your personal journey! Sessions make great gifts, too!